Intermediate Freediver Course -Level 2*
The Intermediate Freediver course is addressed to Level 1* certificate holders (of any organization) and freedivers – underwater hunters who already have some learning experience. This is clearly why it is, by far, the most popular course.
The objective of this course is to improve on one’s freediving technique by making dives safer and more effective, first and foremost through perfecting (refining) breathing skills and improving relaxation.
A strong emphasis is also placed on safety and rescue training.
In the level 2* Intermediate Freediver Course, the level 1* curriculum is taught, plus the following:
On a theoretical level:
– In-depth understanding of the concepts of hyperventilation – hypercapnia – hypoxia.
– Nutrition of the freediver & spearfisher.
– CPR techniques / simulation on a CPR doll/ medical simulator model.
– Introduction to all disciplines of competitive freediving.
– Breathing exercises/drills.
– Basic relaxation exercises – stretching.
– Written test.
On a practical level in confined water (pool):
– Students will follow training procedures for both static and dynamic apnea with the aim, at the end of the course, to exceed (often by far) the performance required to obtain the diploma.
– Learning basic victim towing techniques.
On a practical level at open water (sea):
– Rescuing a victim from a depth of -10m.
– Constant Weight (CWT) diving to -20 m.
– Learning Free Immersion (FIM) techniques.
– Aquatic environment adaptation exercises.
At level 2*, students are provided with a free spirometry test (measurement of vital lung capacity).
As in Level 1*, classes are always small in numbers.
Minors (aged 14 years or over) may also attend the course. Parental approval is required.*
*Our highly trained and experienced instructors as graduates of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), have the pedagogical competence and are thus qualified to teach minors given their legal guardian’s written consent”
At the beginning of the course, the syllabus is handed out to every student. Following its completion, videos of the student’s efforts (dives) as well as a freediving certificate from the relevant educational organization, are provided.
To attain a Level 2* certification, the student takes a theoretical knowledge test at the end of the course. Passing criteria include the following elements, performance-wise: A Static apnea hold of 02:30”, a dynamic apnea swim of 50 meters and a 16-meter dive.
Please note that, pool entrance & usage are included in the course fee.
OneBreath Freediving can also provide equipment, if the student does not possess his/her own.